Monday 9 March 2015

Shift 2020

It is an amazing shifting of the technologies. Through this video, it gives us the chances to foresight how technologies will influence, shape and impact our daily life. Everything becomes more convenience for human beings and many problems can be solved by modern technology. Nothing is impossible. However, with the shifting of technologies, most of the work will replace by robotic. According to the research from Oxford University, 50% of the people will be unemployed in the coming 10 years and more companies would be eliminated due to the results of inability to cope with the accelerated changes of technologies. The changes of technologies bring both advantages and disadvantages.
Through the Shift 2020’s video, it has explains how the transformation of education, internet, business, household and others will ease our daily life in coming days. It will be so exciting to think that when all of this really happen in the near future. However, it is quite hard to imagine that in the future, most of us will own a robot just like how everyone has a smartphone. Robot will help us do most of our work and robot will be our companion just like how smartphone accompanies us all the time today. However, if robot be our companion in the future, will it bring any effect to our society as how smartphone dominate our life?

Future: Human and robot

Besides this, the 3D printing technologies that mentioned in the video is quite impressing. It is so awesome because of the amazing function of technologies that will allow us to make everything possible to turning into real subjects from graphics. For instance, we can obtain the makeup accessories such as lipstick or eye shadow in reality through 3D printers by online purchasing. Before this video, my first impression of the 3D printing was in the movie, CZ 12: Chinese Zodiac by Jackie Chan. It is unbelievable that 3D printing was really exists and even applicable for food! One question came to my brain before ending. How do we know what we are actually eating in the future?

3D printing technologies in the movie CZ12: Chinese Zodiac


  1. Technologies really helps a lot in our daily life! However, I believe that technologies also brings disadvantages to us. People who misuse the tecnologies would bring negative effects. For example, the 3D printing for food. There woukd be some businessman use this technology to cut down the cost by providing the fake food. How if the 'food' contains harmful ingredients?

  2. Technologies are good!!However, we will be losing the cheering moment in our life after the replacement of the robot from most of our jobs. Things are getting too systematically and everyone are losing their joy in their workplace because the environment are becoming serious and losing their emotions because they are working with a ROBOT. Therefore, the employees will tend to get more stress and increase the society psychological problems.

  3. I can't agree more with the technologies given much impact to us, in both positive and negative ways. With these technologies, our live become more convenient and interesting. However, it also make human being become dependence on technologies. Nowadays we are too rely on technologies such as internet and social media to help us carry our work. It makes us become more dependence and laziness. Besides, technologies also will makes human jobs obsolete. Technologies has the advanced to the point that a computer even a robot can do some jobs faster and accurately than human being. Hence, it would lead to a problem-- human are being replaced and kept out of the work force.

  4. New technology is really amazing. I watched the movie Chinese Zodiac 12 before and the 3D printing technologies in the movie are really surprising me. It is undeniable convenience. However, I cannot accept that if the food can deliver through 3D printing. What will be ingredients of the food printed out? As we know, the robot has slowly becomes very common in our life today such as cleaning robot. So, I do believe that our future will be robotic world. The robot will enhances the quality of life but also it surely will increase the dependency of human beings toward robot. Hence, I wish that human beings do use the technology as a tool that assist them in future life but not fully depend on technology.

  5. Yes, I agree with what @ Pon Jie Ting. We should use the advance technology as a tool to assist our life but not totally depend on it. Technology not only make every thing easier and convience but it also make human being getting more lazy as all work can be done by technology. I can image that in the future life, every house will have a robot which it will replace the maid by doing all the house chores or even robot will be the one who take care of the baby while parent is going out to work.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I agree the new technology can impact much both of advantage and disadvantage to our daily life. The advantage is can help people to easier to do work and don't not waste our time to do any job. On other hand, new technology also help people to solve any problem because so easy to find out within by social network. The increased problem such as crime, social issues are negative impact by the new technology. Nowadays, new technology seriously shaped and impact to the real human cultural to the modern cultural. It also impact to the workers are losing their job because most country in the world more focus to the transition of new technology.

  8. With the proliferation of new technologies in technology, it can be clearly see that it brings both pros and cons to every single individual. However, i would like to comment the impact of technology on learning perspectives.
    With the use of different technologies such as smart phones and computers, we have been exposed and provided to great access of information, support learning and enhancing self esteem. Appropriate way of using technology can help to modify human knowledge through learned experience.

  9. Could you go a week without our cell phone? I can't. i will feel like uncomfortable without bring phone, because i can't contact with people if any emergency happen. I personal think that technology has made us lazy and dependent. Technology brings so much convenient for us that it’s almost scary to think of what would happen if we had to go without our favorite gadget for an extended period of time. Nowadays, children no need to leave the house for entertainment, because they have ipad, iphone, play stations games and etc. However, this would destroy their health and weaken their ability in face-to-face communication. Besides that, we also can search any information from Google, this could damage the ability of human to think and critic.

  10. technology really easier human's daily life. for example, with the invention of smartphone, application build are very convenience to people. it is very differ from the old day, like we use alarm clock to wake us up in the morning, or we write down our schedule in the calender. But smartphones got everything we need, alarm apps, calender, calculator, dairy, camera and other functions. for the robotic issues, i personally think that, they are two opposite ways. it can increase the productivity but it will make people from losing their addition, robot are too systematic and perfect for producing good which are dangerous for human, such as creating atomic bomb and some sort of scientific experiments.
