Thursday 12 March 2015

World System Theory

World System Theory is an approach developed by sociologist Immanuel Wallerstein in 1974 that expanded from the theory of dependency regarding the world history and social change of a world economic system in which some of the countries taking an advantage while some others are exploited. It is separated into three-level hierarchy, consisting of core, periphery and semi-periphery. He stated that, the semi periphery countries exploited the periphery countries for the raw material and sell the semi-manufactured good to the core countries; after that, the core will finish the production and sell it back with high price to the semi-periphery and periphery countries.

The diagram above shows the relationship of the core, semi-periphery and periphery countries.

Core countries

According to the WST, core countries refers to the dominant capitalist countries which have the characteristics
  1.      Strong in military power,
  2.           High level of education,
  3.        High salaries,
  4.      Advance in technology
  5.     Control the world economy

Examples countries: US, Japan, Germany, Europe

Core countries are powerful, and this power allows them to pay lower prices for raw goods and exploit cheap labour, which constantly reinforces the unequal status between core and peripheral countries.

Semi-periphery countries

Semi-periphery countries serves as a buffer between the core and periphery. It is exploited by the core but exploit the periphery. This countries have the potential to be promote and be the core countries because they are mostly capitalist countries and industrializing nature. For me, it is described as over the ‘periphery’ but not yet reach the ‘core’.

Example countries: South Korea, Taiwan, Mexico, Brazil, India, Nigeria, South Africa

Periphery countries

Those countries were described as the third world countries. These region generate less wealth in the world economy. Other than that, it also lack of strong central government and they might be ruled by other states. They had been exploited by others for the raw material and they are dependent on the core countries for capital because of their underdeveloped industry. They characterized by:
1)      Poverty
2)      Low education level
3)      Lack of development
4)      Economically backward
5)      Low standard of living

Example countries: most African countries and low income countries in South America.

A world map of countries by trading status, late 20th century, using the world system differentiation into core countries (blue), semi periphery countries (purple) and periphery countries (red). Based on the list in Dunn, Kawana, Brewer (2000).

Malaysia is rich of natural resources such as petroleum, timber, and gold. In addition, Malaysia is an industrialized country and high education level. So, Malaysia should be classified as core, semi-periphery or periphery country?

Lastly, lets look at the video described the WST theory in detail. have fun =)


  1. In my opinion, Malaysia consider as a semi periphery country. Malaysia are exploited by the core such Japan and America but then exploit the periphery such as Bangladesh to gain raw material for produce semi manufacturing goods to these core countries. So we can see that Malaysia is a country where core and periphery process are both occurring. Malaysia serve as a buffer between the core and periphery countries.

  2. I am agree with soh swee ling. Malaysia not yet reach the level of core but above the periphery. Malaysia is somewhere between both type of countries. There are some core countries exploit Malaysia to gain benefits. Country Garden Danga Bay JB is one of the best example. China invest quite a lot in this project. And Malaysia hire quite a lot of foreign workers like Indonesia and Blangadesh to complete the project. However, did Malaysian really benefits from this or being exploited?

  3. for me, Malaysia can be consider as both semi-periphery and periphery. As we know that, Malaysia was one the popular country that produce petroleum but they actually being exploited by Japan as they buy the petroleum in low price and manufactured in Japan then sell it back with very high price. in other situation, Malaysia fit the characteristics of semi periphery because it imported labors from other country such as Bangladesh and Indonesia which mentioned by @teh hui fang above.

  4. Yes. I am agreed with the statement that Malaysia is a semi periphery country. As known, Malaysia is rich with many natural resources and this is one of the reasons that allows other countries for exploitation. However, we can found that Malaysia had also hiring many foreign workers in many organisations. For example, area of Klang has been described as dangerous area because of foreign workers. The safety of Malaysia is threatened even though the exploitation of workers are benefit to the organisation due to low payment of hiring.

  5. I also think Malaysia is a semi periphery country. Malaysia not only rich in natural resources but also produce a lot of labour work . As a result, there are many foreign countries like Japan or US has come to invest at our country.
    It is believe that with the investment from other country will help our country economic growth.

  6. I am agree with my friends opinion, Malaysia is a semi-periphery country. The evidence to support this statement is Malaysia has lot of natural resources, standard of workers, best education level, industrialization country and forward to develop country. I think, Malaysia one of country best on example in the world challenging to move develop country in next future like US and Europe country.
    So, I believe Malaysian citizen can be categories standard of living and fast economic growth in the future.

  7. "When one country is gain, one county is loss", this is the quote that I remembered the most when I read the article. From the resources and differentiation, we all have agree that Malaysia is a semi-periphery country in which it has plenty of resources such as petroleum, gas, timber and others. This natural resources have the potential to promote Malaysia to be a core country in the future, perhaps.
    However, the question is whether this can still happen if our natural resources have depleted in the future. What could Malaysia does to promote itself to become core country when the main reliance of it has lost. Can
    Malaysia be competence in other perspectives such as manufacturing and technologies area in order to prevent itself for becoming a periphery country?

  8. Malaysia is a semi-periphery country. Malaysia is not only exploited by the core countries in economic sectors but also social perspectives especially in education. When I'm doing my final year project, i have read a lot journals and i realized most of the journals are products by western countries. Most of the academic text book that students read now are import from core countries and some even violent our culture norm. In this case, I think the scholars in Malaysia should produce more quality works in order to achieve our independent in education sector.

  9. I think that Malaysia is a semi-periphery country. There are still a lot of improvement and development needed in order to becoming a core country. Malaysia need to keep enhancing in social, economic, technology and almost every sector in order to avoid form being exploited by the core country. It is because Malaysia has the ability to become a development and advance country with their existing rich and limited natural resources such as petroleum. I do believe Malaysia is a rich country, so I think that development such as projects and investment are needed. Besides, Malaysia need a wide vision and mission in order to achieve to become a core country.

  10. I think Malaysia is a semi-periphery country. Malaysia is one of the popular country which produces petroleum, provides best education and medical treatment in south-east Asia. However, Malaysia won't be able to achieve its prosperity without the support of migrant workers mostly from Indonesia. To become a core country, co-operation with its neighboring countries, such as Indonesia, is one of the key success factors. Moreover, these two countries have similar cultures. Bravo Malaysia!
