Monday 27 April 2015

The impacts of social media on society

Society nowadays are known as digital natives which are born after the digital technology being introduced and surrounded by digital environment in using cell phones, computer. Social media websites are categorized as one of the most popular haunts on the Internet. Social media had changed the way people communicate and socialize on the website.

Social media or specifically social networking sites are affecting every group of people. For children, it may impacts their growing period, their childhood and increase the distance with their parents. For teenagers or students, their academic performance will be affected through the addiction use of SNS. The introduction of SNS has directly changed the academic environment of the students nowadays. It is being concluded that SNS did affected negatively to people in all range of age.
The distance between parents, friends, colleagues, lecturer-students and employer-employee are getting large with the presence of SNS. People tend to less in communicating face to face while more to engaging with devices and laptops in their daily life. Study has shown that families are spending lesser time with one another which from 32% of communication within family members in 2000 to 8% in 2012. Furthermore, during friends and schoolmates gathering, they were texting or on social media sites instead of communicating with each other.

One of the most affected social networking sites towards society in our country nowadays probably will be Facebook. The top social networking sites that Malaysians were found visited most was Facebook. Facebook is a social media which has been widely used by people from young to old age in this 21st century. Facebook indeed has changed the way of people communicate, the way they interact with each other and even changed the way they think.

Facebook indeed provide us to stay connected with old friends and friends who far from other country but it make us abandoned our friends which are just besides and surrounding us. They connected to the person in electronic devices rather than the person who just sit next to them. They even isolating themselves from the reality and live in the world of social media.

It is very obvious that Facebook is a significant social networking site and it brings more harm for the people of all age in Malaysia. Whether this change was for the better or for the worse depends on how you look at it and how you handle it. We have to find the right balance in the use of social media in our daily life. The Use of Facebook positively to share your thoughts and keeping yourself aware of the surroundings are encouraged, but don’t cross the safe distance.


  1. Pada pendapat saya, mengikut peredaran waktu penggunaan media sosial banyak memberi impak yang positif kepada setiap lapisan masyarakat. Hal demikian kerana media sosial telah menjadi satu medium utama golongan masyarakat berkomunikasi, mendapat maklumat dan ilmu pengetahuan. Tidak hairanlah jika golongan belia dan tua malah golongan kanak-kanak sudah pandai menggunakan media sosial untuk kegunaan masing-masing. Di samping itu, media sosial juga telah banyak membuat transformasi dari segi peningkatan pembelajaran dan tahap kehidupan masyarakat kepada lebih maju. Sebagai kesimpulannya, media sosial banyak memberi impak positif kepada kita jika menggunakannya dengan betul.

  2. Today, social networking becomes a very common phenomenon. People who do not have Facebook account will be known as "weird" person in this society. In my opinion, social media is good thing because it provides a convenient way to us to connect with each others. However, I felt disappointed to the real world where more and more people are choosing to communicate with others by using digital devices rather than face-to-face communication. For example, some of people will keep playing their phone, refresh Facebook or using Wechat during the classmates or friend gathering. This habit will lead to inner distance within friends because less communication. We should know that social media is a way to communicate with others due to far distance but do not means that we can abandoned our real communication with others.

  3. I agreed that social media actually bring bad impacts to our life. Initially, we think that social media bring positive impacts like it help us to keep connected with our friends or family although we stay far apart.However, with the uncontrollable used of social media, everyone is now focusing more on their phone rather than people around them. It is good that we can connect with our friend or family that stay far apart but we should not neglet people arround us. It is so sad to see that nowadays everyone stop chatting with each other normally like face to face, and it is also not good for our mental and physical health as communication is very important. We should not forget the initially purpose of using social media and we should know that social media is only one of the way for us to communicate with each other.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I concluded that there are so many pros and cons of social media to society. As a high educated students like us must understand the term media education so called media literacy. Media literacy is the knowledge to access, analyze, evaluate and create media in a variety form. In short, it is a process of teaching and learning about media. For example, do not simply reveal personal information to stranger on social media. Besides that, we also have to concern about media violence, gender and racial stereotype and cyber-bullying in order to reduce the negative impacts of social media toward youth generation like us.

  6. I don't think social media brings the bad effects to our life. People tend to find excuses for themselves when there is a problem. Social media did affect our life but we are the one who allow it to affect us! In the very beginning, social media was invented for a good purpose. When people started to misuse it, then we blame it. This phenomenon is same with drug abuse. Is the mistake of drug or the mistake of people who misuse it?

  7. I am actually having the same point of view with Kar Ann and Hui Fang.
    Social media is an amazing tool that helps to connect us with others. However, we have to realize that it brings both pros and cons to people. An inappropriate use of social media may hinders out interpersonal relationships with others, bring addiction, and crime. But, if we use those social media appropriately, I believe that it may brings more pros than cons to us. From that, we have to clearly understand the knowledge to access, use, evaluate the media (media literacy). A critical thinking is required for us to apply the media literacy in daily life.

  8. agreed with Teh Hui Fang, social media was invented for a good purpose but people had misused it. Without those negative impact, it is a great communication tool. You can stay connect with your old friends, families,get know the latest update of your friends and family, chatting, get to know more friends, getting news and information. Use it wisely, it would always be an advantage.

  9. Nowadays, social media sites can consider as part of our life. For sure, it has great impact on our daily life and change the way of our lifestyle. Social media serve a lot of purposes such as business, entertainment, communication and information resource. As a coin has two sides, a head and a tail, this also reflect on social media sites. Social media also can be very harmful to us if wrongly used . Hence, users should utilize it in a proper way.
