Wednesday 1 April 2015

SMS language

      What was the message written? Have this ever become a problem to you? For example, my friends always like to send me “LMAO” when we are chatting, but I do not what does it mean until I google it and get to know that LMAO= laughing my ass off. This is known as SMS language. It was so amazing that SMS language help us save a lot of time typing a long message faster. However, at the same time SMS language have changed the way we write, destroying conventional punctuations and replacing properly spelled words with acronyms, initials and ‘emoticon’ smiley symbols. 

SMS language

      Although the uses of SMS language becoming more common as some of the advertisement have been influence by SMS language, for example Korea’s McDonald has an online commercial video that ended with “r u ready?” .Companies believe that shorter message will be more easily to get reader attention. However, there are still a lot of people who are struggling in reading SMS language. For example, older people seem not understand what we are talking about although they try their best to know what we are talking about. Besides this, SMS language also tended to bring negative effect in school. Student will unconsciously used SMS language and there have been some reports in the media of children using SMS language for essays in school. Everything has pros and cons, so the users have the responsibility to anything that happens to them whether in a good or bad way. 

Lastly, let’s watch a short video to know more about the SMS language. Enjoy! 


  1. In my opinion, the sms language can help us to save time and also money. Normally, text messaging will be charge and it has limited space for wording. Hence, by using sms languange, users can save the text space and it easier to type. However, sms language also give negative impacts to users. I believe that sms language will affect the quality of language due to the wrong spelling and it would develop grammatical errors. Therefore, It will lead to affect student's academic performance. Besides that, it may cause communication misunderstanding. For sms language non-users, it is difficult to understand the meaning of message which the sender wish to convey. They may also get confused and misinterpret the actual meaning of message.

  2. Based on my comment, SMS language do have its advantages such as people can save a lot of time while chatting with each other and the entire chatting are leisure and not formal. people can use SMS language to communicate with each other and even enhance couple, friends and family relationship because they share same style of SMS language. However, SMS language do provide disadvantages for us. We may confuse when doing our academic writing for example. The often mistake that we could make is the short form letter such as you=u, yours=urs and etc. These mistakes could drag down our grammar and effect our quality of language as well.

  3. Berdasarkan kepada pemahaman saya bahasa SMS pada zaman sekarang banyak memberi impak positif dan neagatif. Dari sudut positif, kita boleh menjimatkan masa dan wang apabila menggunakan ringkasan SMS. Selain itu, penggunaan ringkasan SMS memudahkan kita menekan butang dan tidak perlu menaip teks dengan panjang.
    Namun dari segi kelemahannya, ringkasan SMS menyukarkan pemahaman penerima mesej tersebut kerana lain orang lain persepsi. Sesetengah orang tidak faham terhadap mesej yang disampaikan yang boleh menyebabakan proses komunikasi tidak sampai kepada tahap yang lebih tinggi. Bukan sahaja golongan muda malah golongan professional juga terlibat sam menggunakan ringkasan SMS sebegini kerana alasan lebih menjimatkan masa dan malas menaip teks yang panjang.

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  5. SMS language has become one of our language. It has it own advantages and disadvantages for using SMS language. The advantage of using the language is that it save a lot of time from typing a long sentences and sometimes we can create our own SMS language between our friend which other people might not know what does it mean. The disadvantage is that as we used to use SMS language in our daily life, we might bring this habit when we are writing or typing any report or letter. So, it can affect our performance.

  6. I personally think that sms caused laziness in language. Many parents claimed that it is fault of teachers because english grammar is not being taught effectively. In fact, sms language is major problem that cause the decline in writing skills. However, one British study found that children who have phone earlier would scores higher on reading and vocabulary test. This can conclude that sms language is a powerful language to communicate in social media if use it correctly. Parents should keep their child away from texting in inappropriate setting.

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  8. I personally agreed to the existence of good and bad of SMS language. For me, I am also the one who always use SMS language in texting. It is more simple and convenience. However, I will confused to SMS language sometimes. For instance, one day, I was asking my friends does he know about SPSS software, then the reply is "ofc". I was totally blur. I thought it was something that related to the using way of SPSS. "Ofc" denotes the word - "of course". It is seriously confusing for me. Other than that, the habits of using SMS language in daily makes me unintentionally use it on formal setting such as writing formal letter or doing report. Therefore, I think we should started to practice to use comprehensive word and language right now, but not continue SMS language in order for own convenience. An accurate use of words will slowly strengthen the grammar of someone. Also, it is easier for everyone to understand.

  9. Obviously, all of us understand the negative impacts of SMS language. However, personally I am still get used of using SMS language because I found that SMS language is fun and I think using SMS language is trendy! Besides, SMS language helps me to express my feeling in a more simple way and save time. For instance, I can write " ttyl" instead of "talk to you later", with that SMS language can help to bridge the cultural differences.

  10. What you say shows who you are. I don't agree to use the sms language especially for formal purpose. The sms language is too informal and somehow it is rude to someone who doesn't understand it. Sometimes, I receive some messages from my Malay friends in sms language. It troubles me a lot to understand the content of the message because I don't understand their Bahasa Malaysia in sms language.To avoid the inconvenience, I prefer to use the normal language. It shows my professionalism as a future PR. Be aware of what you use. The language you use in sms will represents who you are.

  11. it actually takes a while for me to accept the SMS language when i first expose to it because it is really hard to understand .SMS language are widely used in texting especially social media. it is bad if you really get used of SMS language which would decrease your grammar and writing skills. you cannot use SMS language in formal letter and also in exam.
