Tuesday 31 March 2015

Citizen Journalism

    With the growth of society, journalism is no longer involves the only professional reporter or journalist, which need training and rich with profession knowledge. Otherwise, general public are allowed to collect, disseminate and analyze the news and information in society today, especially through the means of the internet. Such phenomenon, termed as citizen journalism has gradually becomes common due to the modern technology. For instance, blogger considered as the most famous platform for the production of citizen journalist in internet environment. 

    How the citizen journalism differ with traditional or professional journalism? The central difference between both of these journalism is profession verification regarding to specific knowledge. Besides, the professional journalism is generally working with media industry that provided with financial source, and so its objectivity is focus on its own interests. Professional journalism is especially essential with the existence of financial and economic support.

     Nonetheless, citizen journalism and traditional journalism are similar in the presences of bias element. Regarding to the financial support, professional journalism usually publish or post something after the filtration to protect their own benefit. Also, citizen journalism is contains the stereotype and prejudice because everyone allowed to express themselves with their view of point in social networking site, where the information is always partial and difficult to verify.

Undeniably, citizen journalism provides an opportunity for everyone to have freedom of expression, and it provides a few good outcomes in reality. The best example can be shown from Asian tsunami flood disaster that occurred on 26th December 2004. The real situation of disaster was reported by an ordinary people with phone video before the presence and action of professionals. As citizen journalist is those who actually capture the happening current events and then share it to the rest of the world, the news or information is significantly important. 

On the other hand, the major problem of citizen journalism is lack of regulation. Since individual could make declaration without any control and forces, the statement or post made might predisposition to own belief. Individual could alter the meaning of story based on their perception and view of site. This indicates that the statements posted are usually self-proclaiming. 

For instance, Wee Meng Chee, who also known as Namewee had becomes popular after the releasing of controversial song attached with national anthem of Malaysia, Negaraku. Does he really doing right or provides good contribution to this society from his work? In the late of October 2009, Namewee made a video clip that highlighted about the blackout night in his hometown exclude local TNB (Tenaga Nasional Berhad) remains lit. The video storied about the process that he went to TNB to look for answer, but escorted out from facilities by security. The scene included the happened quarrel and scold. For standing on neutral position, the action of Namewee considered as aggressive and means to attack TNB, even though his motivation may be kindly want to seek for truth. The video can refers as below:

      Citizen journalism is good and bad at the same time. It is good to inform the world about the happening event, but we do not know whether their motivation is derived from good or bad thinking. Or else, they just want to gain popularity? To create crisis? Citizen journalism is good as it allows the freedom of voice for everyone. However, the responsibility is needed among the writer and reader, where the writer should realize their power that could unintentionally influence the opinion of others, while reader responsible to identify the credibility of source, whether the writers are truly knowledgeable or simply post for fun. 


  1. True! citizen journalism is good and brings negative influence at the same time. Sometimes, we need citizen journalists to tell us what is happening around the world or even in our own country. However, I believe citizen journalists have their own ideology. In order to promote their ideology, the news might only focus on what they want to tell the world. It's all about the agenda setting. In facts, they should publish the whole story instead of part of the story. Before we decide to trust an information, it is necessary to think again and check the sources.

  2. I also agree with the statement of "Citizen journalism is good and bad at the same time". As we know, the press freedom in Malaysia today is not really free and news are filtered. The trust of Malaysian in traditional news sources such as newspaper and television are in on the decline. The exists of citizen journalists can help to get at the truth. However, we also should wary of citizen journalism. The information which expose by citizen journalists may tend to be subjectively and bias. Due to the citizen journalists does not have professional journalists training, their may write news based on their point of views. Therefore, we have to wary of the credibility of news which written by citizen journalists.

  3. Saya juga berpendapat bahawa citizen journalism boleh memberi impak yang positif dan negatif. Mereka mempunyai ideologi-ideolog tersendiri, buruk ataupun baik impaknya yang pasti mereka berpuas hati dengan tindakan mereka. Kebiasaanya, citizen journalism adalah golongan yang berprofessional dan mereka mempunyai ideologi menentang prinsip-prinsip ketidakadilan atau anti-kerajaan yang berlaku di negara. Sememangnya, saya juga percaya bahawa setiap maklumat dan berita yang disebarkan di Malaysia lebih banyak berbentuk pro-kerajaan sahaja. Tetapi realitinya, kebebesan bersuara dan hak asasi di Malaysia sangat rendah berbanding dengan negara lain. Akibatnya, pelbagai tekanan yang diberikan oleh rakyat bagi membangkitkan isu-isu yang sebenarnya berlaku di negara ketika ini supaya dapat mengubah kerajaan mencapai objektif yang lebih baik dan adil. Tidak mustahil timbulnya golongan citizen journalism akan datang lebih memburukkan keadaan jika isu ini tidak dibaikpulih dan membawa impak yang besar kepada negara.

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  6. Citizen journalism is getting more popular and more people are starting to publish the content through social media to express their point of view and thoughts. Citizen journalism also provide the community with the different kind of perspectives regarding the issues in their daily life. However, citizen journalists could not portrayed to the public with the skill of a professional because they have no formal training in reporting. Besides, they do not aware of the ethics of journalism and the regulation in that range. the credibility of the post being published will be question and it seems to manipulating the mind of the public through the content shared by those citizen journalists. Citizen journalism can be a great thing because it tight the community together with their sharing thoughts on issues. But, there is a need for community to alert and ensure the fact of the news published by citizen journalists.

  7. Nowadays, everyone can be citizen journalist. It is undeniably that citizen journalism is getting more and more popular. Citizen journalism can freely express their feeling and thought. It is true that everything have it good and bad at the same time included citizen journalism. Good is that citizen journalism can be one of the news source for public and get to know info that not yet cover by professional journalist. Bad is that as citizen journalism getting more popular, sometimes what has been uploaded or published by them bring some motive like help some company to promote their product. So, with the ton of information available online, it is all depend on us whether we choose to believe it or not.

  8. I personal think that the news content that produce by citizen journalists have low credibility than official printed newspaper. Some of them purposely to post some unverified news on social media to increase their own popularity. They do not have professional in news writing; not objective. For instance, Namewee always use social media to create sensitive issue which could cause the social disruption. According to human right act, the freedom of speech should not violent religious legal system, religious offense or incitement to ethnic or racial hatred. On the other hand, official printed newspaper have to go through editor to filter the content before publish in order to prevent defamation and sensitive issues. As a professional news report, they should not write a news based on their own opinion, but rather just report the facts.

  9. It's true. I strongly agree with the statement where citizen journalism contains both advantages and disadvantages. As stated, citizen journalism is benefits because it possibly is an useful information that needed to recognize by others such as an unexpected accident. However, I found that citizen journalism nowadays is becoming less credibility. For example, the blog that introduces the delicious food, dessert or any other attractive place to visit may produced because of the economic benefits. Since internet becomes a culture in society today, there are many business corporate are trying to use it as tactic for advertising and promotion. It does not means that the citizen journalism or online sources are totally unbelievable or fraud, but the users should know how to distinguish the fact and truth such like asking other's opinions or refers to other's suggestions.

    1. You guys have agreed to the statement that citizen journalism contains both merits and demerits. I also having the same point of you with you guys. Here I would like to share some tips to take part in citizen journalism:
      1) Have a level of interest and commitment
      2) Have some basic equipment to record
      3) Have critical thinking
      4) Be objective and always provide the truth
      5) Be an ethical citizen journalists
      6) Be creative and regulated

      By following this, you can avoid to be an unethical citizen journalist, and at the same time be a clever information users.

  10. citizen journalism was the platform for people to express their feeling and though. As i know that, many people had misused this advantage. I agreed with Sim Kar ann about some of them purposely to post some unverified news on social media to increase their own popularity. this is what we called "the attention seekers" . they want more people to follow or concern about them. With the fake news or information, this would mislead the society.
