Saturday 21 March 2015

Close the Divide: Digital Consumption and Digital Inequality

The growth of internet and new media has created a new place for people to interact, and communicate with others. New media also serve a lot of purposes such as business, entertainment and information resource. New media and internet have been increasingly affecting our daily life. Today, new media is quite common for people, even for some people, it that become a daily must. In global context, it was reported that internet population has reached a vast population. Based on the statistics, internet population has increased tenfold from 1999 to 2013. In 2014, the number of internet users reached third billion globally.
However, for some people access to internet or new media still is a problem.

This phenomenon is called

Digital divide can be defined as the gap between individuals, societies and different location at different socio-economic background and it affects the opportunities to access new media or information and communication technologies (ICTs). Digital divide would rise up the problem of digital inequality. Digital divide and digital inequality will affect individual’s academic performance, career life even the quality of life.
In the context of Malaysia, Malaysia government has put many efforts to reduce and avoid the digital inequality in the country. Malaysia government carry out several projects, one of the project namely “1 Malaysia free netbook”. In the project, Malaysia government spend out more than 10000 unit netbook to lower income students in rural areas.
This is the free netbook distributed by Malaysia government to lower income students in rural areas.

Of course, having a computer does not mean the children know how to use it. In primary and secondary education, Malaysia government also implement students have learn about computing and use of internet. Teachers and professional trainer will assist and help reinforce students in computing learning.
Do you realize that we actually living in this digital divide society or not? Do you think the implementations by Malaysia government effective? Or do you have other solution for this digital divide and digital inequality issue?   
Lastly, let’s watch a short video to know more about the digital divide. For further information, can refer to the link: digital divide and digital inequality . Enjoy! 


  1. I do not think that we are living in a digital divide society. Today, every household in Malaysia own at least one computer or laptop. Besides that, the " 1 Malaysia free netbook" project also reduce the problem of digital inequality by giving low income students a netbook. Moreover, with the project " Kampung Tanpa Wayar 1 Malaysia, people in the rural area also can easily access to the internet. So, i think the implementations by Malaysia governent is quite effective.

  2. I believe that digital divide and digital inequality still exist in our society. I totally agree with the statement of "for some people access internet still is a problem", especially for those people who living at far-away or rural areas. Although government put many efforts to solve the problem such as distributed free netbook and computing training to students, the implementations still have to improve. In some of rural areas, residents still cannot access to the phone and internet lines. in my opinion, Malaysia government should provide a stable and high speed phone and internet service to all state in the country such as Singapore. With a high speed and stable internet access, the implementations of government will be more effective.

  3. I personally think that digital divide and digital inequality are still exist in Malaysia especially rural areas such like Sarawak. I do know that there are actually many areas are always out-dated with the new information, new technology and new changing in Sarawak from my Sarawak friend. Even though, government has provides free netbook to many students today but the internet accessing is still a problem in many areas. So, I suggest government should also provide internet service in rural areas instead of provide new electronic devices.

  4. We might not realize the existence of digital divide but it do really exist in our society. Although most of us having a digital device to access to internet, some of them don't have a chance to do so. The '1 Malaysia Free Netbook' does not improve the situation. There are some of them who own a desktop or laptop still involve in the project. However, some students who do not own any laptop or desktop still having the problem to access internet. So, how does the project really helps to improve the problem of digital divide?
    On the other hand, the 'Kampung Tanpa Wayar 1 Malaysia' project also does not really improve the situation. As I know of, there are still many kampung do not develop. Some of them don't even have water and electricity supply. The basic needs of the residences are still not develop and how does it possible to have internet access?

  5. I do agree with Soh Swee Ling. In 2011 the United Nation declared Internet access is a human right, and that limiting a person's access to the Internet is a violation of their human rights under international law. Many cafes, bars, restaurants in Malaysia have provide with free WiFi in order to attract more customers. Such public WiFi access is extremely useful for business and leisure travellers, as they do not have to pay for international mobile data. In my opinion, Malaysia Government should provide or improve public WIFI especially in rural area in order to achieve "Wawasan 2020".

  6. I think computer devices should be allowed to the all Malaysian society and society who live in rural area as well. So, included the network site they really know about news what come out, communicate within friend/family and business partner. Malaysia government should take action seriously about this issue because the future country mostly depend to the intellectual people. In my suggestion, government must be improve stability provide Internet or WIFI in rural area like urban area if want to become develop country like US and Europe country.

  7. Digital inequality is the economic and social difference faced by different populations in a country to the access of information and communication technologies. I believe that our government has managed to reduce digital inequality in our country. The reason why I said so is because I observed the difference in Song, Kapit (a small rural town at the end of Rejang river in Sarawak). Unlike before this, now everybody has the chance to access to various information and communication technologies.
    However, even though there is little digital inequality in our country but the digital inequality between us and other developed country are huge. So I think that there is a lot of room of improvement for government to reduce the gap.

  8. i could not agree more with Soh Swee Ling about the accessibility of internet in Malaysia. People who lives in rural areas are still limited to access the internet. it is useless for the government to provide the computer and training but without internet connection. it doesn't help much on the problem. if compare to other countries, the internet connection are too slow and not stable. government should put the effort on improving the internet connection.

    1. Yes, I think the same as you. Without a good Internet connection, we can't even access to the Internet and we end up in learning nothing through new media. The computer is useless when there is no Internet connection and it will not improving the gap between the urban digital users and rural digital users. Therefore, if the internet connection in rural area are still in bad condition, I strongly believe that the digital inequality will still exist and the gap between rural and urban will not reduce.
