Sunday 15 March 2015

Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC)

 1994 John December

“Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC) is the process by which people create, exchange, and perceive information using networked telecommunications systems (or non-networked computers) that facilitate encoding, transmitting, and decoding messages. Studies of CMC cab view this process from a variety of interdisciplinary theoretical perspectives by focusing on some combination of people, technology, processes or effect."- John December

CMC is divided into synchronous and asynchronous modes.

  • Not real time/not live. Participants are communicate at different times (depend what is convenient to them).
  • E.g. online individual or group discussion
  • Real time/live. All participants are communicate at the same time.
  • E.g. online chat

Advantages and Disadvantages of Asynchronous and Synchronous

Asynchronous way need more period of time to talk or discuss with another because it depends heavily to the level and space between one and another people. For example, when we received  email from other people there are not compulsory we need to give feedback to them.
While,  synchronous is like we communicate with other in the chatroom. Basically, new generation is more active with social network (such as wechat,  whatapps, facebook and instagram) to communicate with others. People are more interested in communicating through social network sites because it is easy for them to contact with others.

Hyperpersonal CMC

The hyperpersonal model of CMC (Walther, 1996) proposes a set of concurrent theoretically based processes to explain how CMC may facilitate impressions and relationships online that exceed the desirability and intimacy that occur in parallel off-line interactions.

The model follows four common components of the communication process to address how CMC may affect cognitive and communication processes relating to message construction and reception:

(1) effects due to receiver processes
(2) effects among message senders
(3) attributes of the channel
(4) feedback effects

For more details, please refers to the link:


  1. The computer-mediated communication (CMC) system was dramatically change the way of human communicate with others. Through using CMC system, human enable communicate with others regardless of location and in a timely manner. Nowadays, lots of applications which using CMC system such as wechat, whatapps and gmail are very common for people used to interact and communicate with friends and family members. By the way, this post are interesting, it make me more understand about CMC system and the related theory.

  2. Yes, CMC have change the way human communcation and get information. For example this blog can be read by anyone at anytime in the convience of people. As known, communication is an unreversible action, however with CMC, we do not need to read or reply a message on the spot and this can help to avoid many arguments compare to face-to-face communication. Besides that, some people may feel shy or scare to give any opinions when they are face to face, but with CMC, people can type out what they think about and even some of the people will use CMC to confess their love.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. After I have read the post, personally I prefer computer- mediated communication in synchronous modes as this mode is also included the face-to-face communication. I like this mode of communication is because I can get immediate responses from my partner with the richness of both non-verbal and verbal communication. With both of the verbal and non-verbal cues, I can respond to the message well after observation and give the feedback on time.
    However, not all types of communication are suitable in synchronous mode. Asynchronous mode of communication is suitable for professional purposes and communication with strangers indeed. Words can be arranged and modified carefully before we send out to them.
    As a result, we must choose more appropriate modes of communication in order to transmit our messages effectively.

  5. I like to use applications like to use wechat, whatapps to interact and communicate with friends and family members especially when discussing about assignment. It is more convenient for students because they no need everyday meet up with their coursemates and easily for them to update the latest information. Besides than that, I'm from west malaysia, when I'm studying at sarawak, these application is important to me to solve my homesick problem.

  6. Due to the digitalization, I found that computer-mediated communication has becomes a culture in society today. People are no longer rely on communication through letters, flyers and notices. Email and social media apps have gradually become dominant communication tool now. Definitely, computer-mediated communication is really useful and efficient because the fast transmission of message, immediate reply and easier accessing. However, the message is ambiguous sometimes because the emotions use does not really reflect the feeling of sender. Therefore, face-to-face communication will be better to evaluate the facial expression of each other when discussing the problem. The communication tool should be used appropriately due to the purpose of message.

  7. CMC is widely use for language learning. Students from different place and different time could learn the language together. CMC allows them to practice their language. There are quite a lot of language classes on internet. As an example, Quizlet acts as a platform for conducting a variety of language classes. People all over the world could join the class through Quizlet. They share their language tips, problems and even culture through the classes conducted by Quizlet. Of course, CMC definitely plays important role for the successful of Quizlet.

  8. nowadays people prefer computer-mediated communication because it do bring alot benefits for daily life. for example, students can whatsapp their lecturer or friends if they have questions and people can communicate with their family which they are in different countries. this may cause miscommunication as the receiver misunderstanding the message of the sender. without face to face communication, it is hard to express the emotion or reveal the feeling of the sender.

  9. Pada ketika ini, masyarakat fokus kepada CMC kerana mempunyai pelbagai manfaat daripadanya. Hal demikian kerana masyarakat globalisasi sememangnya perlu mengetahui setiap infomasi yang terbaru dengan cepat supaya lebih sedar dengan perkembangan dunia. Dalam proses pembelajaran juga penggunaan CMC banyak membantu golongan pelajar mendapat ilmu pengetahuan dengan lebih banyak. Namun medium yang digunakan oleh pengguna tersebut dikajai supaya dapat menilai tahap keberkesanan mesej tersebut sampai kepada penerima mesej itu.

  10. Computer-mediated communication is another way of communicate with friends and family and I think that it brings more advantages than disadvantages. It actually create a space for the people who do not get used do conversation face-to-face and CMC somehow increase their interaction with friends, family and teachers as well. CMC also solved the difficulties of some people which feel shy and hard to express their feeling verbally and through face-to-face. For example like confession and apologize, most people found that it is more confident and easily to express their feeling through CMC because some words are hard to speak out.
