Sunday 29 March 2015

Is The Internet Killing The Printed Newspaper?

Journalism nowadays is changing due to the shift of culture. People no longer depend on newspaper solely but alternative sources of news endangered printed newspaper (Huff, 2012). The advance of technologies especially internet is the main reason whereby the circulation of newspaper fall. The internet had provided the readers alternative sources of news such as online news (e.g. Malaysiakini) and blog news (e.g. Malaysia Unplug).

The online news provides the readers instant news where they could receive the news anytime and anywhere. Unlike printed newspaper, it only distributed once or twice a day. The online news is more updated and efficiency than the printed newspaper. Fedor (2014) had figured out Why A Mobile Newspaper Trumps An Online Marketing Plan: 
1. Top of mind, all the time.
2. Reach your readers faster
3. Reach a wider geographical area

Social network site like Facebook is a good example. The Facebook users often obtain news from Facebook. The news spreads fast in social network sites and the credibility of the sources does not matter. This is because it is human nature to pay more attention to an issue rather than the sources of the issue.

Some might think that it is impossible for the extinction of newspaper. The situation in Malaysia might not as serious as Western but it is happening. Printed newspaper is no longer the first choice of the people.

When it comes to the next generation, how many newspapers still survive?
Is the internet killing the printed newspaper?


  1. Majority of he readers of printed newspaper are old generation people because they do not have IT knowledge to access news from internet. However, with the progress of the society, internet is killing the printed newspaper. Nowadays, young generation would prefer online newspaper, because they can give comment or opinion on online newspaper. Young generation needs the freedom of speech and always fight for human right. For them, newspaper is not only a tool to access information but also exchange of information.

  2. I am not agree with that. Although the rise of internet had reduced the circulation of printed newspaper, each version of news has its own market. There are still some people rely on the newspaper and some online news. The internet had bring us to more convenient environment but it won't kill the printed newspaper. For me personally, I prefer to read printed newspaper because the news is more reliable. Imagine you are reading a newspaper with a cup of coffee or tea in a lovely morning. How enjoyable it is!

  3. It was undeniably printed newspaper are facing the problems of losing readership and revenue due to the growth of internet and online newspaper. However, I believe that the exist of internet and online newspaper will not displace printed newspaper. I agree with the statement of Teh Hui Fang, I don not think that printed newspaper will be replace by the internet and online newspaper. In my opinion, rather that the displacement, printed newspaper and internet will be continue to coexist with each other.

  4. Online media are seen to be replacing printed media through the growing of the Internet. The reason is because online media is more easy to search and it is convenient to access when compare to the printed media. However, newspaper still have the things that online news do not have it. The news and information provided in newspaper are in more in detail while the online news are mostly just in summary. Besides, the news provided through online are just some of the news from the newspaper. Therefore, for those readers who read news through online news only read some of the news which chosen from the newspaper itself. In my opinion, both printed media and online media have its own advantages and should not be replaced by each other. They have to work together and cooperate with each other for the benefits of readers

  5. Saya tidak setuju bahawa penyataan mengatakan internet menjatuhkan pasaran cetakan surat. Hal ini bergantung kepada sesorang individu yang menggunakannya, sama ada mereka memilih untuk membaca berita yang bercetak atau online. Tetapi peningkatan globalisasi internet pada masa kini sedikit sebanyak mencatakan penurunan cetakan surat khabar di negara kita.
    Bagi saya, membaca cetakan akhbar lebih banyak maklumatnya berbanding dengan akhbar online. Paparan akhbar yang dikemukan dalam cetakan adalah lebih lengkap dan senagn dibaca oleh golongan masyarakat. Contohnya, masyarakat yang tinggal dikawasan pendalaman lebih cenderung memilih akhbar berbentuk cetakan kerana tiada wayar internet untuk mengakses setiap berita. Sokongan dari penyataan tersebut saya tidak bersetuju bahawa kemajuan internet dapat menjatuhkan bilangan cetakan akhbar akan datang.

  6. In my opinion, I do not think that printed newspaper will be killed by internet. Although nowadays many newspaper organization might suffer the crisis of newspaper sale falling down but we can not direct point the fault to internet. There are still other reasons that cause the falling down of newspaper sale. For example, public prefer online news as the news credibility is higher compare to printed news. However, I think that printed newspaper will still survive as they are still a lot of people especially older generation prefer to read printed newspaper because they still prefer hardcopy than softcopy online news. Besides that, the content news on printed newspaper is more elaborate compare to online news.

  7. The falling of printed newspaper is unavoidable visible nowadays. For me, I think this deterioration is because of the governance industry on the published printed news. Due to the higher education, people are more prefer online news because presence different versions of same story that make them to feel more secure and credible. In comparison, I will choose printed news because it is more detailed compared to the short and generalized news on internet. Therefore, I agreed that the printed news will not going to be killed because it still have its own market in society, especially old generation.

  8. I agree that internet have affect the printed newspaper and brings deterioration in the circulation of printed newspaper. Well, actually we can think logically and easily how internet affect the printed newspaper in term of its advertising revenue. According to the facts i read online, advertising revenue accounts for 80% of the newspaper income and the advertising fee on newspaper is not cheap. Nowadays, most of the advertisers are looking for a cheaper, more effective, and more dynamic advertising space. Hence, internet and social media are always their main choice to save their costs. Therefore, I think that this is the main reason why we say internet cause deterioration in newspaper circulation.

  9. i have the opinion about internet had decreasing the printed newspaper. People are more rely on technology, with the invention of smartphones and those apps for reading the news online, i think that, people will go for downloading the apps or go to the websites to read the news. it is so much cheaper and easy to access. We can actually see that, the printed newspaper are moving their direction slowly to internet as they also create their online newspaper. people could subscribe to their newspaper online in just a click to obtain the news directly.

  10. Hello, I am doing a research for my PhD can I use your photo. I will credit the source. Thank you. Ali B
