Thursday 26 March 2015

Online News

1) What constitutes good and bad practice in online news?

       Online news can be presented in more interesting way such as multimedia displays and video; it could increase the attractive and understanding of readers. Online news is also available for instant updates; it provides a platform to the readers to give comments based on their opinions. For example, in news blog Where Is Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370, Tiara stated that she dislike people simply posted unverified news regarding MH370 to social media and this news blog also allow public to comments whether you agree or disagree with her statement.

       Besides that, information can be transmitted more fast and wider through internet. Readers are able to access the news at wherever and whenever they want by using smartphone or tablet computer. For instance, they can immediately get most up-to-date emergencies, breaking news, wonderful stories or event. In addition, online news also can save money for paper, ink and cost for traditional newsroom and delivery. Readers can access to news without any charge.

       However, a study conducted by Pew Research Center showed that online news site only received 21 percent of credibility rating, which is a big drop from 29 percent in 1998. This is mainly because online news is without editorial stuff; there is no more ability to delve deep into investigative issue. Compare with online news, printed newspaper is more detailed and has in-depth information. In addition, some of the rural areas might not have internet connection and old generation does not have IT knowledge to read news via internet.

2) To what extent are online news readers allowed to comment on the news?

       News blog such as Where Is Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 is considered as private platform to voice up. However, official news site is considered as public platform, which mean everyone can read your comment and opinion. Online news such as Malaysian Insider allow people to click like and also give opinion to other people comments  According to Human Right, people have freedom to voice up, but some comment still might be charge under some law or act. For instance, making comments on internet against the Malay-Muslim can be charged under Sedition Act.

3) Which sites would you recommend to other people and why?

       I would recommend online counterpart of a print newspaper such as The Star. In my opinion, I think get news from online is more convenient especially students like me can easily access to up-to-date information through social media without any charge. I would choose counterpart of a print newspaper rather than an online –only news site because I feel more verified and higher credibility to the information.  Counterparts of a print newspaper will not simply published news because they need to protect their fame and maintain the sales of printed version newspaper.


  1. In my opinion, I believe printed news are more detailed than online news but it does not mean that it is actually high credibility. As we know, printed newspapers must verified and proved by specific department before publish to ensure the impact of certain information and protect own organisation, therefore the information published most probably are being filtered. Apart from that, the information about the politic or bad reputation of government will be hide because scare of being charged under sedition act or other negative consequences to own organisation. I personally prefer online news instead of printed news because it provides a platform for us to comment and express our opinion. Online news is undeniably convenient and high efficiency because of up-to-date information all the times.

  2. In Malaysia, all news are filtered especially the printed news. The printed news no longer serve its function as a watchdog but the owner of the newspaper. Newspaper in Malaysia is not yet free. In most conditions, they just publish what they want the people to know but not all the truth of the news. It was said that Malaysian have freedom to speech but responsible for it after you speak. This makes people to scare to speak the truth. On the other hand, online news is some how trustworthy as long as the source of news is reliable. Sometimes, it depends on what you choose to believe.

  3. In my opinion, I would prefer online newspaper because i can access wherever and whenever i free. As a students, we do not have extra money to spend on daily printed newspaper. Although university library provides free printed newspaper, but library is too far from the place i stay.

    On the other hand, I think the credibility of official online newspaper is higher than printed newspaper, this is because there are many other sources invest in printed newspaper such as business and political. Those parties may cause the bias occur when reporting a news. For instance, many political parties tend to use newspaper to spread ideology in order to manipulate the mind of citizens.

  4. Pada pendapat saya, saya lebih berminat untuk memilih berita online berbanding cetakan surat khabar kerana bukan sahaja tidak berbayar malah lebih mudah dan cepat didapatkan. Namun kebanyakannya berita di Malaysia adalah berbentuk pro-kerajaan yang sering kali membentuk minda dan idea masyarakat untuk menyokong pihak kerajaan. Tidak kira berita bentuk online atau cetakan, ideologi-ideologi yang dicetakkan dan berita adalah berpihak kepada kerajaan. Oleh itu, ruang untuk masyarakat menyampaikan idea-idea secara adil dan saksama agak tertutup.
    Kebiasaanya, genearsi baru ini banayak memilih berita yang lebih adil dan tidak berat sebelah seperti The Star dan lain-lain. Kewujudan berita yang berbentuk adil telah banyak memberi faedah kepada golongan masyarakat kerana mereka dapat menilai yang mana buruk dan baik daripada maklumat yang diperolehi. Secara langsung, menjadikan masyarakatyang lebih matang dan berpandangan jauh.

  5. For me, both online news and printed news is good. But i prefer to read online news as in university it is very difficult to buy newspaper and Sarawak newspaper is different from Penisular Malaysia. So, mostly i will read through online news portal like The Star and Nanyang to keep myself updated with the current issue happened in our country and outside the world. Online news not only make my life easier as I do not have to go around and buy it, but it also convenient to me as I only read newspaper every one or two days so I can easily search back what news that I had missed even the news is one week ago.

  6. Personally, I like to read news and information from various sources online to update myself with the current issues and news. By reading varieties sources online, I can learn, compare and analyze the credibility of the news and information. I rarely read printed news as online news are much more cheaper than printed news.

  7. personally, i prefer online news more than printed news. Online news are cheaper and easy to access, you can just read the news by downloading the apps or go to the online website such as borneo post online, sinchew online and the Malaysia Insider to read all the updated news.You can choose what you want to read by just clicking the relevant links. it is so much faster to get the news online rather than the printed news. Other than that, as we know that, mainstream media were being controlled. All the news were filtered before printed it out to the public. Media censorship had became an issue in Malaysia. Online news have much more freedom to post the truth.

  8. In my opinion, I prefer printed newspaper than online news. Although online news sites can help us save time and cost, but the credibility of the news is what I'm seeking. I believe that printed newspaper are higher credibility than online news. It is because of some of the online news didn't verify the news source before publish the information. Moreover, the content of printed news are more detail than online news. In order to save readers' time on reading and create a mobile friendly webpage, online news generally are shorter than printed news.

  9. I'm totally agree that printed newspaper are still the best but online news are more convenient compared to printed newspaper. We can search for online news in mostly everywhere as long as our phone have data or at any place which provided wifi. Besides, most of the online news we don't need to pay for it. However, I do doubt the credibility of the online news when compared to the printed newspaper and the news published online are limited. For me, both printed newspaper and online news has their own benefits. Its the matter of time and place in choosing to read the printed newspaper and online news. Which mean when I'm at home I will read newspaper during my leisure time and when I'm hanging around outside I will choose to read online news.
