Sunday 8 March 2015

Implications of new media to Malaysia society

In this 21st century, new media is a term that used to describe the tools that relate to internet due to the development of technology. New media evolves and changes endlessly. Nowadays, new media has becomes an integral part of our living and undoubtedly plays as crucial tool  of info accessing at anywhere, anytime, on any digital devices.

       New media has creates a lots of convenience and advantages to our society. For instant, the social network such as Facebook, Twitter and Blogger have gradually become important sources of people today. People have whole internet in the mobile phone. With the internet, people can obtain the latest news easily and fast instead of the daily morning newspaper. The breaking news are available in online news channel such as CNN, RTE and others. Besides, the internet provides a broad range of sources on certain issues so that everyone can access to different or unbiased opinions of the news. Also, the feature of new media is honored compared to traditional media because it is allows the exchange of ideas, opinions and views on the topics in internet. Other than that, new media has becomes a dominant tool of learning and education. In order to do the research, most of the students are asking the advice from internet for more knowledge and understanding rather than spending time in dull library that filled with heavy books. For this, Google and Wikipedia unintentionally become the two best friends of the students for learning purposes.

       Apart from that, new media is very useful, easier and productive ways to build and maintain the relationships. With the new media such as Facebook, people are able to connect and communicate with their long lost friend or relative especially those who are far distance to each other. People can easily to know about the recent activities of friend from online article, status or photos updated in social networking sites. Due to the presence of internet, the long physical distance has no longer the main factor of causing strange relationship. For example, people can use the Skype call or video call to communicate with one another by face to face on digital devices. In the aspect of economic, new media is helpful to uphold the communication between the company, employee and customer as well. This is because employees and customers are allowed to speak out their opinions and leave their comments regarding to the service provided through the forum or websites. This open communication potentially to strengthen the internal relations, break the departmental boundaries and enhance the productivity of company.

Distance never separate the love
       However, there are many negative impacts of new media. False sense of connection is one of the problems of new media. Nowadays, Teenager is hard to distinguish relationship in the real world and meaningless approval of stranger through new media. They will depend on the virtual world. For instance, teenager tends to evaluate their social attraction based on the number of friends in Facebook. People who are spending so much time on these meaningless relationships might lose the ability to engage in face to face interaction in real world. Intimacy is hard to achieve when phone keeps beeping with alerts, notification and email reminder. New media offer people an easy way to meet people, but it also can be a great way to keep people at a distance, because people can choose interact only when and where they want with whom they want. Besides that, new media make people impossible to wholeheartedly devote our attention to present moment. Try to ask yourself; is it really important to Instagram your dinner rather than actually savoring it and sharing your impression?

technology trend
Where the meaning of dinner together?
       In addition, another negative side of new media is related to privacy. New media will continue to be able to add plug-ins and application in order to attract more users. These application provides opportunity to people bring their personal lives to be more public’s attention which could increase the risk of privacy. For example, when employer doing a background check, the photo that you post on Facebook may appear less attractive. Some people may not realize that their information and browsing can be tracked while visiting a particular side, such as political and religious, sexual orientation, intelligence and personality. It is very dangerous when your information getting into the hand of their parties. The situation becomes worse when people purposely reveal their privacy such as nude photo on new media in order to increase the public’s attention. The psychology behind this behavior is due to the lacking of self-esteem and is they looking externally for make themselves feel good. In fact, these nude photos can destroy their fame.

       In conclusion, there are so many pros and cons of new media. The true challenge lies in overcoming the disadvantage and ensuring the advantage create the desired impact. 



  1. Yes, I could not agree more on the facts that new media brings both positive and negative impacts to people's daily life. As for me, I am facing the the same things as posted there. It is true that without new media, communications between people gets harder especially for a longer distance relationships. It helps us to keep in contact with people around us. However, in daily life, I never fail to see people spending much of their time on social networking and updating themselves in social media by posting what they did and went on the day. Nevertheless, people also never fail to take the pictures of food before they are going to eat. This seems like posting pictures are far more important than eating.
    Therefore, from my personal point of view, new media needs to apply for suitable uses in order to maximize the benefit of it.

  2. I personally think that new media has more positive impacts which brings more benefits for the growth of the society. The introduce of new media has connecting everyone through the whole world which make use in sharing culture and understanding each other more. People tend to see things wider and think in many perspectives. Therefore, I could not agree more that distance is not a problem for people to maintain their love relationship, family relationship and even business relationship with the presence of new media.

  3. Pada pendapat saya, sememangnya new media boleh mendatangkan impak postitif dan negatif kepada kehidupan seharian masyarakat kini. Impak yang positif ialah new media dapat membantu kita mengetahui maklumat seperti berita dalam negara dan luar negara dengan cepat dan mudah dengan perlu klik pada maklumat tersebut. di samping itu, new media memudahkan kita berhubung dengan keluarga yang jauh, kawan malah dalam business partner juga. Namun jika melihat kepada sudut negatif, new media banyak mengubah budaya masyarakat Malaysia, kebanyakkannya mereka gagal berkomunikasi dengan satu sama lain kerana sibuk melayan karenah telefon masing-masing. Kesannya new media kian menjadi faktor kelonggaran hubungan kekeluargaan dan rakan-rakan mereka juga.
    Bagi saya, new media bukanlah faktor perubahan budaya masyarakat Malaysia, tetapi bergantung kepada pengguna yang menggunkannya.

  4. Everything has positive and negative effect, new media also. New media can be an information sources and a tool to maintain our relationships with others. However, it also rise the problems of privacy and interrelationships. In my opinion, once we understand the proper usage of new media, we should utilize it to the fullest without the consequences of losing our values in life.

  5. True enough. Undeniably that the new media is benefits us in many aspects in this new era of technology such as education, business, entertainment, communication and so on. However, I am disappointed to the human beings that always value new media as more important compared to the gathering or face-to-face communication. Human beings should not become the slave of new media. Human beings should understand the priorities. Yes, new media helps us to communicate with others but we should not let it become a tool that separate the distance between us with siblings, friends and family. Appreciate and enjoy the time in spending the time with one another, but not FALL DOWN on the internet world.

  6. I agree that new media have bring changes to our life whether in good or bad. New media did help us alot in many aspects. However, what i concern is that with the introduce of new media, our next generation or maybe the children nowadays, do they really have a happy childhood like us. This is because it seem like we can see that children nowadays is been pamper with the gadgets like Ipad, smartphone all this things. They lose the joy of interaction between human and environment. Just like the photo shown in the blog above, they seem like have live it the internet world without concern about the surrounding. I think parent should take good care of their children in the sense that guide their children using new media in a proper way.

  7. Both the pros and cons occur in our daily life around us or even occur on ourselves. We have to try our best to avoid the negative effects of the digital devices. The development of digital devices did bring us to a better future which makes our life more convenient. However, the misuse of the digital devices also affects our life too much such as cyber bully, addictive of digital devices, lesser face-to-face communication and more. As a wise user, we have to use the IT technologies carefully so that it benefits us but not destroys our life.

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  9. i do agree with all of you. The benefits and results of news media are seen around the world. For example, we can even use navigation systems in our cars, so we won't get lost especially for people like me who do not have sense of direction. However, this navigation system also easier for spying and hacking people. Which mean new technologies have invaded our privacy. In this case, i think Malaysia government should strengthen the law and policies in order to decrease the negative impacts of new technology.

  10. in my opinion, i think positive impact is more than negative impact. it actually connect the whole world together. people communication with each other even though they far apart with the invention of social media. its actually expanded people's social network. it doesn't like the old days, they communicate using letter and telegram. you can get through them by just a single click. hence, the problem can be seen is nowadays people are too rely on it. people do scroll the facebook when they are free, boring, in the toilet even driving. other than that, many people would check the social media once they wake up in the morning and also before sleeping.
