Friday 20 March 2015

Ways to Preventing Children from Using Electronic Devices


   The invention of technology has change the way society live from time to time. People are getting used to the electronic media and depend on it in their daily life. Although some effort has been try like digital detox zone or having a one week detox camp, all this seem not work as they start back to their usual life again. They feel inevitable to put down their devices they are using and change to the old method way of delivering messages or communicate. Just like what the video had show, we used electronic device from the day we wake up until we sleep and children nowadays are a very good example in showing the impacts of introduction of electronic device to them.

   Nowadays, we can easily found that children with age of 2 and above own an electronic device and seen playing with it anywhere. Not only the video games that make them cant stay apart from their gadgets, it is also includes television, smart phone application, computers, tablets and etc. They just stay in one place and play with their gadgets without going out to the playground and play with other children like the children in 20 years back. Their childhoods are not with the toys but with the influence of electronic devices. Those devices and games tend to keep those children out of reach of the reality. Apart from that, those electronic devices had impact the children to spend less time for outdoor activity with family and friends. When they are spending too much time on devices, they tend to less concentrate and focus in their school works and therefore it may affect their studies and academic results as well. Moreover, the addiction on spending long time on devices and gadgets may develop unhealthy lifestyle and poor eating habits for those children.

   Although it is impossible to totally eliminate children from exposing to those electronic devices nowadays, but there are the ways to minimize the negative impacts on the children. Parents play an important in managing their children’s electronic devices consumption. They have to understand the rating of the games and the television program in order to prevent their children expose to those violence games and programs. Besides, parents should avoid from setting up any electronic devices in the children bedroom in the sense of preventing the excessive usage of electronic devices which affecting the children’s sleeping time and health as well. Furthermore, all parents should impose media rules to the children by limiting their consumption of electronic devices each day and restrict children from exposing to online games. Apart form that, they should monitoring their children’s media usage such as video games, television, movies and Internet and make sure to always give supervision on their children Internet usage as much as possible. However, communication between the parents and the children is the best prevention for children from getting addicted on electronic devices. Parents are encourage to sharing views with their children while observing they play video games, television program or movies.

   Children are not able to differentiate the pros and cons at the early age and thus it is important for them to have a guardian, which are their parents and teachers as well in guarding and managing their electronic devices consumption. They should take this precaution step in order to prevent their children from exposing to the negative activities brought through electronic devices and harms the society. 


  1. Yes, I agree that nowadays not only adult are been influenced by electronic device but children also. I think we should find a way to get rid of this problem so that children will not be the "slave" of electronic device. Giving children a electronic device is parental decicision, therefore parents have to make sure that they are able to guide and managing their children electronic device consumption before giving them the permission to use the electronic device.

  2. Children are the future of the nation which helps in development of the country. Therefore, we should prevent those children from get in touch with the electronic devices which can harms their academic performance and their well being. Besides, children should be taught on the way to use electronic devices wisely and efficiently which can help in their future when they grown up.

  3. In this IT era, almost all people has at least one electronic device such as smartphone, laptop, tab and so on to communicate with others. Nowadays, children's life full with electronic device since they born. We cannot avoid them from expose to electronic device, but we can guide them to use those electronic device in proper way. Therefore, adult have to aware that they were modeling for the children and be a role model in utilization of digital devices.

  4. Exactly. Parents are very important to decide the utilization of electronic devices among children. Do conscious, concern and control the behaviour of children in using electronic devices. Nowadays, children are addicted to world of electronic device mostly because of the neglect of parents. Parents choose to throw them the electronic devices rather than educate and entertain them personally. However, they are ignore the impact of electronic device that may reduce the communication between family. Parents should control and guide their children to use electronic devices in a proper way and better growth.

  5. Children are exposed to digital devices too early. It is good for them to learn to use digital devices but too much exposure is not good for them. I remember I had my first handphone when I was in secondary school. But children nowadays own a tablet or smartphone much more early (primary school or even younger). Parents should make their kids understand the effect of the digital devices and control the usage of it. Or otherwise, children will addicted to digital devices.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. In my opinion, nowadays children get addicted with social media is because of parents and media influence. They are the one who make difficult for children to be outside. For instance, parents in Malaysia think that children playing in nature is unproductive, off-limits, alien or even dangerous. Children have taught to avoid the woods and fields and to stay home. Parents should get them outside to experience the wonders of nature

  8. From my point of view, beside monitoring their children on using electronic devices, parents can also taking other good solutions by teaching them to experience nature. Parents can encourage their children to take the pictures of the nature and expose them our beautiful nature by jungle trekking. Besides, parents can also invite nature to their backyard by encouraging their kids to love the plants at the same time. In addition, this is also an additional antidote for their children to release stress instead of playing games online.

  9. Pada pendapat saya, pada masa kini bukan sahaja dalam kalangan belia terpengaruh dengan sosial media malah kanak-kanak juga ramai terpengaruh dalam masalah ini. Pengaruh media sosial dan persekitaran mendorong kanak-kanak dipengaruhi media sosial dan kurangnya bimbingan yang cukup dari ibu bapa mereka. Media sosial boleh mendatangkan kesan baik kepada masa depan kanak-kanak jika dididik dengan betul namun jika tiada panduan dan kawalan daripada ibu bapa boleh mendatangkan kesan buruk kepda mereka.

  10. well, parents should be a role model in order to prevent children from using electronic devices. its actually became a trend. their childhood no longer playing with toys and chess but replace with smartphones, ipad and tablet. For examples, when i have family reunion, my younger cousins will just sit down on the sofa playing with their smartphones for hours until we start the dinner. They are too young to have a smartphone! I have the opinion that, they do not aware about their safety on the net. one of my cousin who are just 5 years old and she already have a facebook account. The kids would not aware of they might be the target of cyber crime.
