Wednesday 25 March 2015

Digital Behavior Pattern


Are you a member of social network site?

Which social networks you had registered as member?

How you access your social network site?

Do you accept strangers add you as friend in social network site?

How long you spend on social network site per day?

Do you think you addicted to digital device?

How long you have been using social network site?

Why you use social network?

  Do you agree than social network site is an effective channel in education field?

Do you agree social network can bring negative impact to the user?

Do you think digital device had affected our lifestyle?

Do you think digital device had affected your relationship with your family and peers?

From the statistics of our survey, most of the respondents had registered for Facebook account.

Do you know?

Social Media Today website had mentioned Facebook is the MOST popular social networking sites of the world, in which everyone can register for free to browse and join this network. 

About 8% of our respondents said that they will accept friend request from stranger in Facebook, while 57% will only accept them based on some conditions. 


Do you know?

According to Daily Mail (2012), millions of users share their data such as birth date, sexual preference, drinking habit and half of Brits will accept a friend request from stranger.

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg also mentioned in 2010 that privacy is no more a “social norm”, as nowadays people are not fully understand the impacts. 

Also, 70% of the respondents said that digital device had affected their relationship with family members and peers. 


Do you know? 

Accoding to KOED, our digital device are ruining our relationships with others and it is a rampant epidemic spreading all over the world. 


  1. I believe most of us do have at least one account in social network sites especially the Facebook. From the usage behavior shown above, most people spend around one to six hours in social network sites and 66% of them admit that they are addicted to digital devices. It is a scary data where I could imagine that face-to-face communication becomes lesser. It can be seen through our daily life. In a gathering night, most people are focusing on their digital devices such as smartphone and tablet instead of chatting. I always wondering why I will be in this situation watching all my friends busy with their digital devices. Maybe the next gathering I just have to stay at home and messaging will be enough?

  2. Yes, I agree with what Teh Hui Fang said that today everyone was addicted to digital devices and most of the people only focused on their digital device when hanging out with friend. Although 98% of them do realized that digital device affected their lifestyle. Affected can mean in a good way and bad way, but it can seen that people more focus on how the digital device have change their lifestyle in a good way like they can get latest information in a seconds and connected with their friends and family.However, in a bad way is that since the advanced of digital device, we can see a situation where although people hanging out with their family, friends or lover but they only focusing on their smartphone. We should appeciate every hours with them and know when is the time to put aside all the digital device.

  3. Based on our survey, 66% people said they are addicted with digital devices. I believe mostly people spend time with social media to got any information and communicate with friend/family. The reason why is people choose social media as a medium or channel because one way are easily and fast to know everything what news posted everyday. But, 97% people said, digital devices can bring negative impact. People who addicted with digital devices without guidance from parent especially child, they mostly tend to changes their behavior. For example, pornography, crimes, scams and so on. Basically, if we use digital devices correctly, so lots of good impact to our lifestyle and our future.

  4. Due to the growth of internet and social media sites, smartphone and other digital devices such as table pc and laptop are become an important communication tool for people. These social media sites provide a place to people interact with others, exchange information and also for entertainment purpose. However, it also raise up the problems of people too rely on social media and became addicted to digital devices. Social media can help us to maintain our relationships with friends and family members. On the same time, social media also would build a huge gap between individuals and others. The survey above stated that up to 97% of users realize that social network and digital devices also would bring negative impact. Hence, we should use the social network and digital devices wisely and effectiveness.

  5. We can conclude that there are so many pros and cons of digital media bring to us. I got few suggestion to reduce the negative impacts of social network and digital devices. First, be careful with the security protection/ privacy setting on social media. Do not simply expose your personal information such as birth date, sexual preference and drinking habits to public and do not accept strangers as your social media friends. This is because you will never know their inner intention. Secondly, appreciate the time spent with family and friends. Keeping yourself away from your phone specially when gathering. Third, use social media in correct manner. For instance, do not use social media as a channel to release anger and frustration, because it could give negative impacts to your personal fame.

  6. In reality, we can see smartphones are no more a rare device that we only can found on rich people. Most of the people nowadays are having smartphones, which across the different ages range, genders and religions. It is a good sign of development of technology that helps to improve our lifestyle. However, it also brings negative impacts to our life if we do not use it in appropriate way. Most of the teenagers now are become "slave of smartphone". When eating, smartphone on hand. When gathering, smartphone on hand. When discussion, smartphone on hand. We should distinguish the situation to use the smartphone but not addicted to it. Do appreciate the real world relationship other than social networking relationship.

  7. everyone owned a smartphone is shocked to know that, around 96% of people spent more than 1 hour for social media. This showing the great impact of how the social media had emerge into people's daily life. can you imagine that, how could they spent more than 12 hours for social media? i understand that social media do bring alot benefits for people's life such as entertainment, connecting with friends and family and exchange information with others, but according to the statistics above, is it too much time to rely on social media?

  8. From the research, we can clearly see that digital devices are affecting our lifestyles directly such as hinder our relationship with peers and family, do not concern much on our privacy in daily life. We have to be smart and analytic when we use internet and social media, to prevent the violation of our privacy and reduce its negative impacts to minimum level.

  9. I'm totally agree that digital devices has affected our relationship with our family and friends. Nowadays, we seems spend more time in social networking sites and some other websites the most in our daily life. We slowly forget the importance of communication within family and friends and because of the existing of the sites, we talk less and we don't socialize. Besides, our privacy are reveal to the people from social networking sites which most of them we do not know them much and this is getting wrong. We should concern about the family and friends around us but not the people who were just chatting online.
